Barry has lost a total of 14 kg’s in less than a year and Suzi nearly 10kg’s.

Barry’s Testimonial

I am approaching 50 in June 2015 and the plan is to try get to 87kg by then with as little body fat as possible.

I always played sport ; rugby and basketball at school and soccer until I was 38. From about 14 I started at a gym and have always enjoyed working out.

I bought a business in Cape Town in 1995 and moved here from Durban; 18 years later my health as gone through ups and downs as my business consumed me; dotted with periods of success and then challenges.

In April 2013 I lost my sister to cancer and had a very tough time dealing with the anger and sadness and even got to a stage where I stopped exercise completely thinking ” well I am going to die anyway? My sister was so fit and healthy and yet cancer beat her!”

I got to 107,5 kg over Xmas of 2013 and after reading Tim Noakes book on 2 January 2014 , I decided it was time to get my act together. It’s almost a year now and 14 kg has gone and with Barbara’s guidance and training I have managed to get my body fat right down; go off my gout meds ; stabilize my BP from 165/115 to 130/80 ; and go from a 40 to a 34 trouser!

So, a big thanks to Barbs for keeping me on track and watch this space!